Asking all men and women.

Asking if, their past plays a factor in you dating, and then going long term.

What if they’ve had a troubled past. Is that a red flag?

What if they have no past, as in they’ve been indoors their whole life and you just met them, Is that a red flag?

  1. When I get to know someone new I ask what was their longest lasting relationship. If they say under one year I m intrigued and I ask more questions.

  2. “history” and “past” are vague as fuck. of course someones entire history and past is important, that’s literally who they are…???

  3. I’m by no means an expert on this topic. If you’re not comfortable with their past and you think it’s a deal breaker then you should consider other options, although If you’re willing to accept said person’s background, things may work out by communicating with your partner.
    You should be wary about the things your not willing to put up with, set your own boundaries, and if you see huge red flags, you should leave ASAP.
    Now someone who hasn’t had much experience is bound to make more mistakes during his/her first relationship, I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag it’s just the more experience side has to be more patient.

  4. What do you mean? Dating history? Bc without also stating you mean *dating* history it made me think of like being in prison or being an addict or something.

    Otherwise, to me, dating history isn’t that important.

  5. Not experienced but; I would like to know how things ended with my partners previous relationships, that tells a lot I think

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