I’ve been talking to this girl for a bit over a month privately over text. Before then we were coworkers and I would very obviously check her out and make eye contact etc. But I am a bit bad at just making a move on the girl. Eventually she came up to me to offer me muffins and I ended up asking for her name and whatnot and then asked for her number maybe a couple weeks later.


So currently, we’ve hung out 3 times and have been flirting over text (nothing insane just me telling her I think she’s cute and she said she thinks the same). But last time we hung out we smoked a bit of weed and we ended up shotgunning a hit, which for those of you who don’t smoke is the act of pressing your lips against someone to inhale the smoke from their mouth. So think kind of kiss but also not really.

She also told me how she saw something in a store which she was gonna buy for me bc she thought I’d like it which I think shows she’s been thinking of me. Also she has mentioned having dreams of me and always talks about our “next” hangout clearly showing she wants to keep hanging out.

I am just a bit cautious on making a big move like going in to make out with her or something along those lines because I do really like spending time with this girl.

TL;DR – Me and girl have been spending time together, she tells me she has dreams of me, thinks I’m cute, and we shotgun when we smoke together. Is this something that indicates she sees me as more than a friend?

  1. I mean all of the things you listed indicate that?

    You can just ask her? “I’m really feeling a connection with you and would like to explore where that can go beyond being platonic friends, what do you think?” If she says no it wasn’t going anywhere anyways and you’ve saved yourself some time, and if she’s into it then awesome. You can’t really lose.

  2. You don’t basically kiss someone that you aren’t interested in.

    You know that Meme that the signals that guys really need are an air traffic controller? The air traffic controllers are buzzing in your ears too please land your jumbo jet on Runway one. She has asked the National Air Guard to escort your jet in safely. She is sending signal flares and she has lit up the runway . She doesn’t know how she could give you any bigger signals than this.

    Why don’t you ask her on the date? Explicitly use the word date.

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