I’ve heard some guys say dating is hard for men under 5’10”, but I’m only one inch away from that.

In all other areas of my life, everything feels great. I’m a 20-year-old programmer who helps teach at a major public university in the US, and I’ve written software for hedge funds and large financial companies. I’m also involved in my church, regularly give to the homeless/poor, and help lead a weekly Bible study.

I’ve occasionally seen/heard women say that they place a lot of weight on height. It kinda makes me sad because it’s something I can’t change about myself. Is this true, or should I be fine?

  1. 5’9 isnt that short. Tbh woman will find any reason to not like you. Im 5’11 and got told im too short by a woman that was 5’2. your not short so just go out and put yourself out there and find someone less picky

  2. You aren’t, that is average height. Women who are hung up on height are not really worth pursuing. I’m 6’0 tall and if see women talk about height on their profile I swipe left so hard my thumb almost breaks off. It make sense for a woman to want a man to be taller, but putting an arbitrary number on it or wanting a man to be way taller than you is pretty shallow.

    Have your preference but if it is central to your personality and you won’t consider anyone who isn’t above average physically you aren’t worth MY time. A woman putting something about being 6’0 tall on their profile is the moral equivalent of a man saying “nobody over 125lbs” on his.

  3. I wouldn’t worry dude. There’s a difference between not being tall and acting small.

  4. The only disadvantage you have is you worrying about your height. Being insecure about it will be your downfall. I’m 5’5” on a good day, but it’s never bothered me so it’s never been a problem (not saying im drowning in women but i’ve always done pretty well.) Obviously i’m not a lot of womens type, which is fine i just keep it pushing. It sounds kinda odd but i’ve had multiple women become surprised when i tell them my actual height (even if their obviously taller than me.) Having confidence in yourself is huge!
    Everyone has preferences but you’d be suprised at how many women will date someone same height/shorter than them

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