Hi, I’m 32yo (m), married 10months to me beautiful wife, have a beautiful Daughter (8yo) and step daughter (13yo), full time job car house etc. yet I feel lost, I have recently (couple months) been prescribed SSRI’s for Depression. Maybe its them? idk, I just don’t feel happy with the life I am making, what do you guys do when you hit the wall so to say? I wake up, go to work, come home, eat, watch a little tv/play Xbox/see friends then sleep to repeat, every other weekend I have the kids and we try do fun things (money constraint) we will go walks, the park, picnic etc… so its not like I do nothing, but I just cant help but feel what’s the point. what am I doing? these people would be happier without me!.

  1. Making a life is the ultimate act of creativity.

    What would bring you joy? Imagine.

    How would you like to be? Envision your best life and then mold yourself into that person.

    It will be unnatural at first, but so much battering and chiseling turns a stone into a sculpture.

    Some things won’t work and it will be disappointing. Some things will seem to work at first and then fade.

    The kids are watching you.

    It’s ok to be in a rut. I am, too.

    What’s important is them seeing you put in effort to create a joyous life for you, your wife, your kids, and the people around you.

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