Men who were obviously not their parents favorite child growing up, what’s your story?

  1. i was my mom’s favorite and my dad liked my little bro more. But my dad is kind of a piece of shit

  2. my parents had a lot of kids. They have their favorites.

    I was not there favorite. I was kind of weird and sick all the time and smaller than everybody else so I irritated them. I was also unplanned. my parents are super religious as well and getting involved with books and science and stuff was considered deeply inappropriate. i’m less than a year older than my sister.

    they treated my sister like she couldn’t make any mistakes. And they would always clean up her mistakes-i’m talking All the way into adulthood. they didn’t do that shit for me.

    what’s interesting is now we’re both in our mid 30s, I’m financially independent, put myself through a university, getting a second degree, and reasonably in shape.

    She married some pothead, they were living with his mom rent free for years and years, they got a one bedroom apartment, in between both of their jobs, they can’t seem to figure out how to pay rent and bills. I discovered last year that our parents are paying her phone bill, her car insurance, and they bought her a new car. she’s 36.

    for years I would be very confused by the lack of equality between the siblings. I thought there was something fundamentally wrong with me. Dude I went to therapy and shit for it.

    But fuck me is life pretty beautiful. I would not want to be in her shoes. I cannot be damn near 40 with some fucking loser for a partner, no aspirations, 30 pounds around my waist and my parents still picking up the fucking tab.

    i’d rather re live my shitty childhood

    I have another sister, she’s younger, she’s 29 and living at home with my parents. She can’t even keep a job. She always gets fired for stealing or calling out sick too much. she also has a habit of sleeping with all the managers.

  3. I was the first born. My father split when I was weeks old. My mother met another guy 3 years later. Everything was great for about 4 more years then my step father and mother started having their own kids. So eventually I just even at a young age got pushed aside. Since I was older it was expected I would help. Which with some things no big deal. I get it.. but I was pretty much Cinderella to some degree minus the cool cleaning animals.

    My brothers who I love are both extremely intelligent. Like smarter than both their parents by middle school in a legit way.

    So it was expected of me since I was the oldest that I should be able to keep up with my brothers even though they’ve tested 2 years beyond even myself.

    They were both 6ft plus by 10th grade and fairly strong and naturally gifted athletically. So while I was learning how to make a full 5 course dinner at 17 years old. Writing silly little poems or short stories. They were lifting weights, starting on varsity football, wrestling etc.

    I just was never of those things and that’s what my family wanted so I just kinda became what I felt was a combination of in the way and a burden.

    I eventually left once I was able to get on my feet.

    I speak to my family maybe once a year now.

  4. I was the first child, they were okay having me but it wasn’t a planned thing. My sisters existed with intent. I was also born with a birth defect which I imagine caused a lot of money issues. I didn’t get a long with my dad most of my young life. At a point in my young teens I just kinda did what I wanted. Graffiti was illegal but out side of that I wasn’t doing anything terribly stupid. I grew up to be responsible though. I’m on the poor side and get along with my parents now. I’m the only one they’ll talk to about a number of subjects. But I turned out odd. Being an artist probably doesn’t help. I am the black sheep.

  5. My sister married her highschool sweet heart graduated college without debt has a good job and 2 kids. I dropped out of college and am forever alone. That’s just the start of it

  6. i was the favorite…until they knew i was gay and also fought them over anything for no reason c:

    take that mom and dad >:) ya son a gay

  7. I felt like I was the ignored one. But now I found out that my parents focused more on my younger brother and older sister because they saw them as the dumb ones. Yeah, it turns out that my parents always had more trust in me, so they gave me more freedom. But I mistook this freedom as ignoring because they were always on my siblings ass. I wish they would have told me this when I was younger. I found out when I was 30. Lol.

  8. Well idk what to say. I’m the child of his once favorite child. I say once because I… replaced her. Growing up this adult my bio mom would bully me in front of him, my adopted dad/grandpa, and whenever I’d start to defend myself hed join her side and even ground me. Now hes seen her for how she really is and wont talk to her especially when his mom died and she said nothing. When he saw me better my life and when I was in a dark place he also took in my little bro in the same exact dark place only, he was raised by her. So it was essentially the battle between obi wan and anakin for a few months in that house that finally had him go “wow… what the fuck is wrong with her I’m so sorry” and how he supports me in so many ways idk how to list it. Hes bought me trucks he gives me hundreds of dollars whenever I see him.

  9. I’ll be brief,

    I went to UCI for pre med. by senior year, I realized I didn’t want to be a doctor- long hours, endless years of school, and I hated studying. I bounced around different lab jobs for a few years making close to minimum wage and my dad told my mom that it was her fault and I would never amount to anything.

    A few years into a career chang into IT and I just landed a job making 95k.

    Fuck you dad.

  10. My older sister started earning money in her teenage years which helped the house a ton. Meanwhile, I played soccer and video games…

  11. Im the favourite. Don’t want to be because that means I’m just her son and not myself at all. Wish I was an orphan.

  12. Nothing big really. My parents had 5 kids. I’m no. 4, I’m probably their least favourite or 2nd least favourite child. They don’t treat me like shit but they definitely treat the favourites in a better way.

  13. Parents divorced when I was around 2. Biological father ran away. Mom got into a new relationship when I was around 3. Step father never liked me, I was just sort of in the way. Got beaten constantly for minor stuff. I was a relatively funny child, tried to make people smile and laugh, that went away relatively quickly, my aunt told me (I can’t remember anything from that time, no memories whatsoever), just got beaten for making childish jokes (I was probably just coping). When I was 5, first kid from step father came and from that point on, I was even more of a nuisance apparently and everything got even worse. My step siblings never could do any wrong while I was the black sheep. The older I got, the more I was just there to work (had to dig through the whole garden and stuff like that, never even got pocket money). They more or less broke me, I was fighting with inferiority well into adulthood.

    As soon as I was able to move out I did and never looked back. I feel like my life started when I was able to leave at last. I don’t really have a relationship with them. Step siblings were spoiled, but saw the way our parents treated me, which gave then mental health issues as they grew older. Nowadays my parents want to rekindle, but while I forgave them for what they did to me, I don’t love them and never will. They just want that, because I’m somehow the most successfull in life, at least that’s what I assume.

  14. My sister lives in a 2 bedroom detached bungalow in a nice area that my parents bought as long as she covers the cost of the mortgage repayments. I fend for myself entirely,

  15. Was youngest child but spitting image of my father, he left left before I could remember and mother hated him ive heard stories about him how much is true I don’t know I do know she will lie to make herself sound better since she’s willing to tell anyone that will listen what a horrible person I am and my “running away” then get angry with me when I say the truth that I was kicked out.

    My childhood was filled with physical and emotional abuse sprinkle a little sexual abuse as well. I moved out at 16 joined the Army at 17 my brother died when I was 18 I went out to celebrate after before that Me and friends joked how I was the “other son” but now I was the only son. It didn’t get better my “mother” still just hates me I finally went no contact with her and her family. She found out about me getting married on Facebook.

    She’s now trying to get me to go to family counseling but I think the damage is done and I’m ok never “fixing” our relationship

  16. My mother hated my father more than anyone in earth and I’ve always looked a lot like him so a lot of her anger towards him got misplaced on to me.

  17. I was an honor student, my brother had a speech impediment and got a constant C- in school, all while my parents were teachers

    I never really understood it

  18. I wasn’t even the favourite child before my brother was born, when he came along it was game over.

  19. middle kid here,it was brutal and if they all died it would be sad but I’d have no tears. I was punished without cause, guilty and guilty( never innocent until proven guilty) and if proven innocent wouldn’t matter( if I was a better son they wouldn’t have punished). Was gaslighted and bullied by my family.
    At a certain point there’s no tears left.
    I am both my grandparents favourite grand kid tho.

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