If there is an area of your life where you feel you are able to maintain some semblance of balance…. what is that area, and what is required to maintain that balance? Has that area always been balanced, or has there been a learning curve?

  1. Work life balance. My job in aviation allows me to work as little or as much as I want, take entire months off, and travel the world with first class tickets.

  2. My work life balance is fantastic.

    I walk to work, I work, I’m done. If I have to do overtime/work weekends I take the time off on a different day.

    >Has that area always been balanced, or has there been a learning curve?

    I just had to ask for compensation for the overtime in days/time off elsewhere.

  3. Pretty much everywhere. How? Be privileged, have access to a decent income, be older with kids who are more self sufficient. Yeah, much of it is not my doing, but the result of the societal system in which I live.

  4. My work/life balance is pretty good. I spent the bulk of last year in a position I hated and decided that a demotion and paycut would be better for my mental health, and it absolutely was. All that’s required for me is a willingness to say “NO” and the choice to not check email or work phone before/after work hours.

  5. I have a good balance in my relationship-school-basketball area of my life. I keep a strict schedule to the point where I even schedule in my naps. School and basketball have always been things I’ve had to balance but adding a healthy relationship to the mix took some effort on my part and compassion and grace on my girlfriend’s part.

  6. Work/home life. Being self-employed we are fully in control of our schedules, the projects we choose, when to travel etc. We love it and it allows for a relaxed lifestyle instead of anything hectic.

  7. Sleep! I always kept a decent sleep routine and now lay down at 9pm and awake about half 5.

  8. physical health. feels like being active and eating well is the only thing i can control.

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