I play piano, guitar, have a girlfriend, like games, workout, i should be interesting right? Im not. In conversations i feel so dry and so narrow on where i make the topic go. My responses dont lead to any good responses either. Ive smoked so much weed i feel so disconnected and start thinking in my own head. Its so hard to get out of i dont know what to do. Im in my junior year now, brand new smaller hs and closer community and ive yet to make good conversation throughout all my interactions. Even with my girlfriend i feel like me as a person myself i got no personality. I dont keep up with the school trends anymore im just kinda in my own world trying to find another job while trying to be more like a teen. I feel different. I dont know i feel bored all the time.

  1. I get it I’ve smoked so much weed that I don’t even know my personality anymore

  2. Be yourself and keep socializing, you’ll naturally become more interested in stuff and thus become more interesting

  3. Ah man, you have my sympathy. Maybe what you need to to start brainstorming what it is that you WANT to be. Who do you look up to? It could be a friend, a celebrity, a fictional character. What qualities do you wish you had? If you feel deeply unsatisfied with yourself, maybe there is a reason. Your heart is telling you to do something different.

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