What is the story of how you met and got together with your partner?

  1. Met him through friend circles at parties a couple of times and sent each other some funny memes or something, one night it escalated and we fucked, a few hangouts afterwards and then at one point it was just clear that we were a couple.

    The Danish way.

  2. Grindr, was supposed to be a hookup on the way to work, almost 5 years later we’re still together

  3. I was visiting Munich with a friend, and hooked up with a Czech girl in a metal pub. We kept in touch afterwards, and I visited her a few weeks later and the rest is history.

  4. We both ended up in the same international Whatsapp group through different people. We clicked, so we started chatting with eachother in private as well. After a while we started talking about meeting eachother in person, so I travelled to the country she was staying in and we immediately hit it off. Been together ever since.

  5. We had been colleagues and in the same friend group for about two years, I used to drive him to work to keep me company, because I wasn’t a confident driver yet and we got closer. I pushed him away at first, because my life was a chaos at the time, but fortunately he didn’t give up.

  6. We knew eachother from work; we worked in the same floor and had common work friends. I thought he was a nice, friendly colleague, but we weren’t friends.

    I and some other work friends would regularly go out dancing, and one day he started to join us. On the way home it turned out we shared the same tram, so we chatted the whole way. The next few outings we would dance together (allegedly so I could teach him), and we started hanging out a lot more at work.

    One night we and a bunch of other colleagues were having after-work drinks; I was woefully underdressed and cold. He offered me his hoodie, which I refused because he was only wearing a t-shirt underneath. So his solution was to start rubbing my back, one thing led to another and we started making out.

    So anyway, we got married four years later.

  7. Tinder. A few months from matching to meeting. Then we both had the summer off basically. So. reading in parks, day trips, cafes, drawing beers. pretty cute. been married three years almost

  8. I was living in Porto, she was living in Prague. I was visiting the city, we matched on Tinder and had two lovely nights together.


    We kept talking and traveling every month so we could see each other: Milan in december (2019), then Sevilla, Porto, Prague, Barcelona… Then pandemic hit and we had to do LD for a while. She visited me occasionally, whenever the restrictions allowed, and we had some marriage “test drive”, quarantining and working from home together for a month at a time.


    Until december last year, when we talked and decided that I should move to Prague (I’m a software engineer, it’s easy for me to get a job in another country), and here I am! I love the city, love living with her, we just adopted a new kitten and life is pretty good 🙂

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