Is this maybe a sign that he is seeing a bunch of girls form the app and mixing up our conversations?

We went on a date Saturday night, where we had in depth conversations on a two hour walk.

Tuesday we had a second date, he forgot a few things and was like ‘damn did I ask you this already?’.

My feeling is that he’s dating all these girls, he can’t remember.

But he does actively want to hang out. I mentioned I could only invite him over after two weeks and he said we would surely make plans again before then. He complimented me a lot, and we always have great laughs. We have a lot in common, we’re super easy to talk to. But I know I showed some insecurities and I’m a shy girly.

We keep our interactions to in person only, besides making plans via messenger and thanking each other for a good time.

We both stated we wanted to meet people on the app, so I could be getting fruendzoned. But do guys compliment a smile and your eyes when you just want to be friends? On the first date we held hands, nothing on the second date.

In case you haven’t noticed I am new to dating in general.

  1. He’s complimentary because he’s interested in you, he’s likely to be equally complimentary to everyone else he dates as he’s probably seeing other people.

  2. Use your gut feeling on this one. If you are very keen on him, others may also be, and he is taking full advantage of that.

    If you are cool with it, fine, but if you are looking for something leading somewhere other than a bed, he may not be for you right now.

  3. Keep it casual, he may be dating others (which is fine atm) so maybe go on some other dates too. Just have fun and give him a chance unless he disrespects you.

  4. This os really common, don’t take it personal. I used to be a one person at a time person, but dating apps are not the same as real life dating. Don’t be offended, just do the same. I’m not even willing to remember their names till at least the 2nd date. It’s sad but it is what dating apps like. I speak to 7-8 different guys at a time.

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