semi throwaway account because I use it to browse reddit

So I (f early twenties) met this guy at a house party (m early twenties/same age) and we were chatting a lot and got along really well. I could tell he was interested in me and he kept kind of holding my hand and even added himself on my phone without me prompting him. I thought he was cute but I was leaving to go out later that night and he was on the fence if he should come with me. I know I could have convinced him but since I had just met him I thought better not.

Anyways so from that night on we Snapchatted everyday and I would say we both aren’t the best type of text people where the convo is overly interesting but we did talk quite a bit and he would say things like “I want to cuddle you right now”, “you have the biggest smile” “you’re so cute” – stuff like that which literally made me melt (context: I don’t really fall for guys that easily and I’m at a stage in my life where I don’t actively seek a bf/haven’t had a bf).
Anyways we would talk mostly late at night since that’s when we were both up and most available. We were having a chat one night and I fell asleep so I didn’t open his message that said Goodnight until the morning. When I opened it I said “Good morning” and he left me on opened. I was confused and thought it was random so I left it for the whole day and then the next day I was out and saw something he was telling me about. So I sent him a snap of it and he replied and we chatted that night. He was saying cute things about cuddling/smiling and then the SAME THING HAPPENED. I fell asleep, he sent a goodnight message, I opened it in the morning and replied with Good morning, he left it on opened !!!!! I was so confused because I really liked him and that doesn’t happen often to me. I honestly thought something was wrong with me and I couldn’t justify my feelings because I never feel like that. Also, we had 17 day streak so we had been talking consistently for quite a bit since the party.

THEN, 3-4 days later he likes one of my semi recent Instagram posts. Not recent enough that it would have been in his feed. Did he want me to notice him and message him? Did I not give off the I like you vibe? Does he not like me? What does that mean?

I spoke to some friends and they said not to message him again or to ask him why he liked my post. I didn’t message him again and I didn’t ask him about the post. Another friend said he is either wanting attention/playing games, he isn’t interested or he thinks you’re not interested.

Extra context:
I had invited him out during our taking period on Snapchat to the same place I had gone the night I met him (because he said he wants to go) but he wasn’t free that night.
I checked his snap score after he left me on read (ik ik) and it hardly went up. Maybe by 4 maximum a day which is nothing.

It’s been a few weeks and I occasionally think about it. A part of me wants to see him again and a part of me doesn’t care anymore. We are both invited to a party this weekend that I can’t attend. I messaged him about it and said I was sad I couldn’t come because I was looking forward to seeing him. He said we should catchup very soon. I said yes and I’d love to come to kick ons if they are happening . He said he will definitely keep me updated. We had a brief convo and it ended. He opened my messages on Snapchat instantly – what does this mean? Does he like me?

TLDR: was talking to this guy consistently who left me on read and then liked an old Instagram post

  1. Doesn’t seem like it, but you can never know for sure unless some sort of effort is made by either side to actually make a plan and follow through with it. You’re never going to marry someone through snapchat/instagram interactions. If he’s being lazy/coy/passive then looks like you have to try to set something up.

  2. It means nothing. Just a bit of interest. He is just like you. Partly interested and partly he doesn’t care.

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