My friend(F23) has been dating this guy(M32) for over 3 years now. She got on his phone the other day and found out that he’s been sending nude photos of her and their sex tape to his twin brother, in exchange for nude photos of this girl that he works with. My friend is lost and doesn’t know what to do or what steps to take? She will be reading the comments and hopefully reply when she can.

  1. Huge betrayal. Couldn’t even imagine what Christmas dinners would be like for the rest of her life. The relationship can’t last.

  2. You mean ex boyfriend.

    That’s such a huge betrayal. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling.

  3. This is unacceptable. At *best* it’s a gross violation of your friend’s privacy and a betrayal of trust. Your friend should dump his ass, and may consider going to police.

    She may also need to (or have someone) check the internet for those photos. If bf is exchanging pics with his brother, he (or the brother) may also be willing to post them online. Especially in the event of a breakup (which again is justified here). So your friend may want to look up revenge porn laws in her jurisdiction, or ask on r/legaladvice

  4. That’s indeed betrayal.
    She got to tell him he crossed a line (and he should have known that).

    It’s up to her to decide if she wants to breakup over this. It would be valid.

    And she has to make sure he deletes all nudes he got of her and don’t send any new ones.

    Whenever sending nudes, this is a possible outcome sadly.

  5. What should she do? We can’t tell her what to do! Thats something she has to decide!

    Obviously he didnt ask and its a massive breach of trust to be sharing her nudes. No-one would be surprised if she went nuclear, got him to delete any content he still has and dumped him.

    She could also file, or at least threaten to file, a Police report. Distributing someone’s intimate photos is a crime in some places.

    But what she should do is up to her.

  6. She should leave him, ASAP. What he has done is horrible and disrespectful beyond words. Does anything more need to be said?

    Dump his a$$!!!

  7. I’m sorry she’s discovered her bf is a creep, discovered my now ex husband was a creep 12-13 years in. Just leave. It’s not worth the stress.

  8. She needs to first stop taking nudes with him and then needs to report this to police as what he did without her permission is crime and he can be in jailed for that. He violated her privacy and trust that she has in him that she should not tolerate. There is nothing that can justify what he did so hope that your friend learn from this experience and will not let this happen with her in her next relationship.

  9. Ik someone else said this but I agree w him, the second I saw the age gap I knew this doesn’t surprise me. Mostly the older guys are in it for the sex tbh

    With that being said it’s still fucked up it’s an invasion of privacy, your nudes are only for ur bf to see not for anyone else. He clearly doesn’t respect your privacy & the fact he wanted another girls nudes from his brothers co worker let’s me know he would’ve eventually cheated, if not then may have already. Like why want other girls nudes when he can hypothetically have sex w u anytime u both want?

    I would break up with him not only cuz of this invasion of privacy & potential cheating but also for the fact that the age gap is too big & there’s not a reason for gaps like that to exist when one of couple is in their younger 20s

  10. He shared her nudes so his twin would send him nudes of a woman he works with? Ew. Run. Fast.

    But maybe “accidentally” delete all pictures and videos of yourself from his phone, cloud, messages, etc. His brother might have saved them, but at least he wouldn’t have them. I’d also try to reach out to the other woman. That’s sick.

  11. Tell her to check if that’s illegal in her state.

    She nerds to get him to delete the videos and then leave the fucker

  12. relationships can’t exist without trust. and he just traded it
    leave him, to much damage is done to try and work on it

  13. I assume you mistyped and meant ex boyfriend. I don’t know where she lives, but apart from obviously ending the relationship and the betrayal what he did is illegal. Where I live that could be up to three years jail. So I would make sure I had the evidence, and would contact the police. Maybe not everyone would take that step, but I would.

  14. Your friend needs to break up with him and demand that he deletes all pictures of her right in front of her on all of his devices.

    She can also tell him if he refuses to delete them in front of her she will go to the police since he sent her nudes without her consent or even knowledge which would make it revenge porn and it’s a crime.

  15. Tell her to sue him for non consensual porn and defamation. This is so wrong.

    Also I’m not a lawyer I’ve just heard of other women winning cases like this

  16. guys…. how comes no one wants to see how obviously fake this is? OP couldn’t get their story straight for five seconds, the title and the story don’t match at all, and EVERYBODY understands how this is at the very least a huge breach of trust if not a crime, no one finds something like this out and says to themselve (or their equally guillible friend) “I’m at a loss, let’s ask reddit what to do”.

  17. Ok, document everything, collect evidence of this and contact a lawyer.

    Just be extra careful, I can’t say he might get abusive but you never know. He betrayed your trust and is a scumbag so don’t rule anything out.

    Tell your lawyer about the other girl too, see what can you do to let her know what’s happening. Follow your Lawyer’s advice on everything before making any moves regarding your ex

    Ask r/legaladvice on how to proceed with this.

  18. If they’re identical, he could’ve gotten confused and just thought he was sending them to himself. I’m an identical twin and sometimes when me and my brother share pizza, I’ll accidentally eat some of the cardboard because we’ll both reach for the same slice at the same time, or we’ll just touch hands and fuse memories. We’ve never kissed, but we both have thought about it, according to our shared memories. We also both swallow the tab from our sparkling water cans. Crazy how much twins have in common.

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