I don’t know if it’s laziness or lack of responsibility but he just won’t sort things in his life that needs sorting and despite talking about the great things he wants to do with his life, he won’t actually do anything towards it.
I maybe should have seen the red flags, in our 7 year relationship he has really struggled with his career which is mainly because he doesn’t try. He keeps talking about making more money by getting a new job but then never gets to work applying for things. I feel like an idiot for always believing him but I’ve realised now he is all talk most of the time.

Another example, his credit rating got messed up by our gas company due to a mistake, but instead of trying to sort it he just ignores it as a problem.
If I try to talk to him about anything he’ll get really defensive and say now isn’t the time, or shut down and barely reply. It’s exhausting.

Tl;dr boyfriend won’t do things that will help both our lives and won’t communicate about them if I bring it up

  1. >If I try to talk to him about anything he’ll get really defensive and say now isn’t the time, or shut down and barely reply. It’s exhausting.

    The first step to solving a problem is to talk about it. If you can’t do that, and he’s not even capable of acknowledging that this is a problem for you, then what else can you do? Absolutely nothing.

    His current lifestyle works for him, that’s all he’s bothered about. How many chances or years do you give him the benefit of the doubt for?

  2. I’m a firm believer that you should accept and love your partner exactly as he or she is.

    What you’re talking about here requires change. I think you’ll be waiting a very long time (the change may never come) and you’ll be miserable.

    It’s perfectly reasonable to want a responsible partner. This guy ain’t him.

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