We’ve met in London during our Master. We were living together in the student hall and we went though lockdown together. It has been really hard to study and being locked up, to living in a London unusually inactive and wounded. But we went though that, it made us a very strong couple. This is way when the master finished we decided to keep going long distance. I’ve never thought I could have a long distance relationship, but with him it felt right.

His name is Sam and he matched me perfectly. We were able to have any kind of conversation, even the hardest one, with clarity, being able to grow from it, becoming stronger. Even with the distance, we were watching movies together and having long and deep conversation about common interests and thoughts we were having about the world.

At a certain point I have started to miss having physical contact with him. From having sex to having someone that is physically present in your daily life. We explored some visa options but from US to UK It’s not easy and I wasn’t ready for the marriage visa.

Recently I have started to doubts daily that we could go on and yesterday I told him I thought it was better to break up.

I am only looking for people who understand how fricking heartbreaking is to break up with someone that is kilometres from you, for the only reasons that you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I couldn’t take the distance anymore.

I have been through break up in my life, but this feel different. Need some support from the long distance community and some advices, even the silliest will help I’m sure.

Tl;dr: I need some advices to overcome a long distance breakup

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