I (19F) love my boyfriend (19M) however my mom was telling me how he’s gonna be gone for months at times (He told her he wants to join the navy). And he wants a family (not right now, in the future). I don’t know if I want a family yet (I might want one…. but…. I used to not want kids at all). I just don’t know if I can see myself being a parent. It’s all hitting me now and I don’t know if I want that life. I don’t really want to worry about it and Id like to enjoy my youth and think about it all later but I don’t think that’s fair. I’ve told him a couple of times I don’t know if I want kids. Is this something to end a relationship over?

We haven’t talked about our future together. We’ve been dating for about three months now, but we’ve been friends (it’s complicated but true friends for about 7-8 months). I sleep at his house nearly everyday and we have the same group of friends so we hangout a lot). We haven’t argued once and I didn’t have any problems nor doubts until now. Do I talk with him about it and how do I bring it up?

TLDR: How do you know when to end a relationship?

I’m a little overwhelmed I just don’t want to settle down any time soon. And I don’t know what I want to do yet but I don’t want to stay at home, and if he’s out there I’d have to stay with the children.

  1. i don’t think it’s something to end the relationship over at this point in your lives, but definitely something to talk about in a few years.

    also i’m not sure what your mom thinks about you staying together/breaking up, but the people who know you best are 1. you and 2. your parents (this might not be completely true but parents know more than we think). while they probably have very valid points about it, it is your relationship to have and learn from.

    i hope this made sense lol my point is to listen to yourself and prioritize what you want (but obviously be open to your parents’ opinions)

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