I really need to know lol. I feel like they do get more attached after they nut in you but I just want to make sure. Please someone help a girl out.

  1. I personally wouldn’t finish in a girl, unless I was wearing a condom, if there was any lack of trust. I dated some girls who told me they were on the pill and I didn’t need to wear a condom, but I did anyways.

    So for me, it’s more of a trust thing.

  2. It depends, in general it feels better for both partners. Protection is needed if you are not in a trusting, safe situation.

  3. Yes, for sure. There is something very intimate about it and who knows what affect it has subconsciously

  4. I assume you mean nut in your vagina – you can nut in a couple of other places too.

    It may increase attachment for some guys, that makes sense.

  5. Could go either way. If it’s not within an established relationship, then I find it highly objectifying and taboo, which isn’t a bad thing if that’s what two people are looking for.

    But within an established relationship, it can be a bonding experience for sure. Especially if there’s buildup to breaking through that barrier (no pun intended).

  6. In my experience no. I had a FWB cum inside me because I was on birth control (because I’m an idiot and wanted to “do it for the story”) and I literally never saw him again lol.

  7. Please don’t let a bunch of dudes nut in you because you think it will attach them to you. If you actually want a secure attachment it’s going to take time, communication and commitment. If you let them nut in you then you’re putting yourself at risk of STIs and pregnancy.

  8. In that moment, you are both flooded with oxytocin and dopamine. What happens next determines if you “bond”; you have more control over him than you may think.

    Suppose you push him out in order to clean yourself out, or to remove the condom before he goes soft. Or the male pulls out in the assumption that he has over stayed his welcome. This will switch off your reward centers and drop you back into reality. One or both may even feel bad – shame, dirty.

    On the other hand, wrap your arms and legs around him. Turn your lust into affection, shower each other with kisses, one long hug. In his mind, you have accepted his cock, his semen and affirmed your desire beyond being horny. He will want to come back to this happy place again and again.

  9. I dont finish in a woman unless I’m very attached and i trust her completely but I’m weird apparently

  10. Yes letting a guy nut in you is the perfect way to become attached for about 18 years.

  11. I think so yes, but I restrain myself to finishing inside ass and mouth until I am very sure she’s on BC.

  12. Man here. They will be more attached for like 5 minutes. If you do this make sure you are on birth control.

  13. I’ve had *a lot* of guys cum inside of me and not give a shit about me let alone get attached. A. Lot.

  14. That’s not how men work. Women are the receivers and end up attracted to the male all their lives.

  15. Attached to them emotionally? Maybe. Attached to them with a baby? With an STI? Pretty damn likely.

  16. Depends way more on the relationship I general. If I have some pretty deep feelings for the woman then yes, if I don’t then no.

  17. Not specifically because of that. But it can help him become attached if he feels a strong sexual connection.

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