Do you ever wish an old flame would reach out to you? Not necessarily to rekindle anything, but rather to catch up and see how you’re doing. Would it be unwanted? Annoying? Desperate? Does it depend on how the relationship went?

  1. Tiffany? Nope! Michelle? Hell ya! She was too cool. She came to my wedding and my wife and I went to hers.

  2. It depends. There’s only one old flame that I’d take that offer up for, but I doubt that will ever happen.

  3. Dont give a shit about them and would rather they not waste their time reaching out to me.

  4. I would have no problem with seeing most of them again. Some should stay as far away from me as possible.

  5. I don’t care to hear from strangers to be honest.

    If they aren’t part of my life I frankly don’t give a fuck.

  6. Never wanted one to reach out

    It’s fine if they do so long as they aren’t trying to monopolize my time or anything

  7. I’ll pass. When the past calls, dont pick up; it has nothing new to say…

    Id be even less interested if intimacy was off the table.

  8. Considering all of my relationships ended due to rampant trust issues/infidelity… yeah, no. They are despawned from my life forever.

  9. I’d want to catch up. I still care about my exes (in that I want them to be happy) and none of my relationships ended due to infidelity. Wouldn’t rekindle things, though.

  10. It’d be a relief for me, considering my bad luck with new people. Unless she shows clear red flags, then she’ll face no competition if she comes for me.

  11. Oooh. I am sad. I’ve only hay this happen once. The mother of my first child called to see if they could visit me two weeks before I was due to be married to a different woman.

    I have never met that child. That is what makes me sad.

    Obviously there is a lot unsaid, but that does not belong on Reddit.

  12. It might give me an ego boost, but the past belongs in the past and I would ignore / turn her down.

  13. >Do you ever wish an old flame would reach out to you?


    >Not necessarily to rekindle anything, but rather to catch up and see how you’re doing.


  14. I don’t mind it in a lot of cases.

    Most have been wonderful people. Only a few I’d never talk to again.

    Some I actually still talk to occasionally.

  15. I actually did catch up with one after our 20th reunion. She’s doing much better now than she was when we were dating in high school (emotionally, anyway), and I’m glad for her.

    There’s, like, one other ex I think I would enjoy hearing from, and absolutely do not want to hear from the rest.

  16. My first love who cheated on me because I wanted to wait to get married and have children until after I graduated college, which was only about 18 months away. So she wanted to get my attention by cheating on me.

    So I left her.

    She reached out about 10 years later after her husband left her. She tried to stalk me and my close friends on Facebook and try to show up events that we would go to so she could “bump” into them and ask about me or try and bump into me.

    It was creepy, everyone had to end up blocking the crazy ass bitch.

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