How do you find motivation to do what you love to do consistently every day?

  1. I don’t. Where’s the law that says I have to? If I force myself to do stuff I end up not liking it any more, so why ruin something I enjoy by turning it into an obligation?

  2. I don’t rely on motivation. I go off routine and consistency.

    Sometimes I don’t feel like going for a workout. But I know when I start lifting weights or go running, I’ll get into it after 15 mins or so.
    If I’m not feeling it, I do it anyway.
    Because I know the reward and benefits outweigh my mood at that time.

  3. Routine is great. My other motivation is probably your typical millenial affliction of monetizing hobbies. If a hobby makes me money, I’m 100% motivated to do it daily, keep on improving and investing more time/effort into that fun project.

  4. I don’t need motivation to read, knit, or sleep. I need motivation to get through the rest of the bullshit so I can read, knit, and sleep.

  5. Motivation is useless. You need discipline, structure, routine.

    Relying on motivation gets you nowhere.

  6. Like others have said: routine is key. I don’t ever feel like getting up at 4am for workouts but it’s a routine thing now that I just get up and go.

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