Title. I hate Fall and I hate Winter. Curious if you guys have the changing of the seasons where you live.

Every year, the leaves start dying and the days get shorter and shorter around September in NC. Then I gotta start wearing shoes again of all things. Fuck.

  1. Yep, up here in the Midwest virtually all states experience the changing of leaves, followed by the first snowfall that for some reason always happens in October.

  2. Yes, and I greatly prefer fall and winter to the sweaty mess that is summer.

  3. It stays pretty green in Oregon all year. There are areas where you’ll see some fall colors, but otherwise it’s almost as green in January as it is in July. The grass stays pretty lush because there’s so much rain.

  4. The aspen trees are already turning where I am. We get like a week of some yellow and oranges, then they all just turn black and blow away mostly. It’s ✨magical ✨

  5. Yes (upstate ny). We have about a one week period where most of the trees still have their leaves and are completely full of fall colors. Usually that time period is mid-late October

  6. Living out west now it’s mostly evergreen trees but we get some color on the aspens and stuff. Growing up in Florida we didn’t get seasons like else where, I think that contributes to my love of the seasons.

  7. Yes, it’s gorgeous up here in the fall. Sweater weather is my favorite time of the year.

  8. >Then I gotta start wearing shoes again of all things. Fuck.

    I feel your pain, moist_balls.

    I’m from NC and was barefoot more often than not. My favorite style of shoe is “none.”

    Can’t really do that in the Midwest, the streets and side walks are way tougher and covered with small rocks and other sediments for 6 months of snow being plowed onto them and melting.

    I can walk barefoot immediately around my house and in my garage, that’s about it.

  9. Yes it’s my favorite time of year. The height of the colors is usually mid to late October

    I sweat so much in the summertime it gives me rashes

  10. Yeah the leaves change color and here and I’m just as depressed about it as you are. I start getting bummed out around this time of year because I’ve only got a month and change of weather I can live with until I’m miserable till May again

    Can’t stand having the sun set at 4, can’t stand sweater weather, I abhor snow with a boundless rage, and the only thing that pulls me through winter are memories of spring and summer

  11. Only in certain areas of the state. Particularly the aspen groves of the high Sierra Nevada mountains, but also a bit in the foothills, as well as the handful of big leaf maple forests in the Northern parts of the state.

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