What do you think and how do you feel when someone says “I’ll leave you alone” or “I’ll let you be” after an argument ?

  1. It’s all good. Sometimes it’s just best to leave each other alone for a bit after an argument.

  2. It would depend on how they approached it. If they picked a fight and then stormed off while saying that, I’m going to feel fucked with and wound up.

    If it was something that got heated between us naturally, I’ll appreciate the cooldown, but I’d probably feel like a chastised child until we reconnect.

  3. i normally like time alone after an argument to get my thoughts together and burn off any anger i have from the argument

  4. Hasn’t happened before. It has been a very long time since I’ve gotten into a real argument.

  5. Great! Now we can both cool down and when we come back can tackle the problem logically.

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