Hey y’all! I’m just genuinely curious on what some of y’all think about some women and/or men! A lot of guys say their personalities or their body parts but I wanna hear from like more perspectives

  1. Again, intelligence

    If I can’t find an engaging conversation with someone, man or woman, and it stays at weather-level, I’m not gonna find them “interesting”

    A woman can be interesting through her body if it’s just about sex, but a man definitely can’t

  2. Really curious as to how women with a straight face are able to bargain at a price that you cannot even think of.

  3. I think it’s interesting to see on display how for thousands and thousand of years of human genetic programing how 50 or so years of “progress” can’t undo all that programing. Women, by and large, are still the better nurtures. They’re just hardwired for it. It’s just fun to watch and see it on display.

  4. Great talking points without thinking they are completely right. Willingness to get outside of their intellectual comfort zone is so damn intriguing.

  5. Experiences! Bar none. I have been blessed in having had a pretty interesting life. But I’m doubly blessed in having met really interesting people who have done really interesting things. A knew guy who rode his motorcycle from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, the tip of South América. I met this wonderful lady from Ireland who was an amazing singer. She was on one of those talent shows. We spent the whole night drinking and singing. I met a specialist forces guy who told me about secret wars in the jungles of Colombia and other non-enemy countries. All those people become part of my life’s tapestry

  6. Intelligence and creativity. I love being around other people who can create/build things. Also if they have a wide range of skills.

  7. For a girl (aside from attractiveness) I like intelligence , warmth and a high emotional quotient

    For men, a passion about something and the ability to do something – ideally many somethings – well.

  8. When someone talks about something they really care about and the way they describe it gives you a little sneak peak into how their mind works.

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