How does one know if they’re ready to start dating again after a breakup? Is there a certain amount of time where it’s too soon?

  1. You don’t think about them frequently throughout the day anymore

    Acceptance of the breakup. You’re not mourning the loss anymore

    You’re present with new romantic interests (not thinking of ex nor comparing ex to new person)

  2. You’re asking an impossible question to answer. Everybody is different after a breakup. Some date right away, and others take a long time.

  3. For me, it was time when I wanted to focus on other things, that’s when I knew I was done and over with breakup. Who cares if it’s too soon or too long.

  4. You just kind of start doing it and see how you feel. I made an online dating profile two months after my breakup, had a panic attack. Felt too angry to date for the next 4-5 months. Now I’ve been going on dates regularly, after a year and a half.

  5. When you stop thinking about them, they are no longer part of your future plans, when you’re already busy with new prospects…etc…etc

  6. I think this is different in a way for some people but for most, I would say look for some of these signs.

    You don’t miss the person, you miss the idea of being in a relationship.

    You get excited about the idea of dating someone new.

    You feel better about your self in the aspect of any unresolved things about your previous relationship.

    You can wake up, look in the mirror and love the person you see. You have to lose yourself before someone else can love you.

    You are able to understand and accept what things went wrong in your previous relationship and they don’t bother you anymore.

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