I think she is only half joking. She has never complained about a lack of attention from me and she assures me that she feels loved and that I give her plenty of affection. She just likes the extra when I’m a little high.

Other than her comments leading me to smoke too much, are there other aspects of our relationship I should be concerned with?

  1. From what you wrote? No. I’m a sweet drunk so my wife doesn’t mind when I drink. It’s fine.

  2. I have to say this is a first….I have no idea how to respond to this.

    What do you think being high does for you? Do you think it makes you less aggressive? Less depressed? Less introverted? More funny? More horny? More snacky? More chatty?

    Making you more affectionate is great I suppose… unless you don’t like getting high all the time? If you love getting high… then it’s an easy decision I suppose.

    I guess the question you must be having is… doesn’t she like me without the addition of drugs?

    I think this would bother me a little too. Like, do I need to take something extra for me to be interesting or fun to be around.

    Maybe just take it in moderation… nobody needs to be affectionate all the time and nobody should need to receive affections all the time either.

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