Yesterday I (19F)recieved some very concerning texts from my friend “Abby”(19F), and I don’t know what to do. Late last night, some random account tried to follow my private instagram, and half an hour later I get a very agressive text from Abby: “Ace, stop messaging him.” I, haven’t not talked to a man any time recently, asked her what she was talking about. She told me to “stop playing dumb.” When I told her I was seriously confused, she then asked me if an account named “Andrew” had messaged me, and I told her no, he just requested to follow me but I denied it. When I asked her what was going on, she sent three seperate texts saying: “nothing” “Nothing ignore it” “nothing” which is not like her, nor how she normally texts. Now, I’m friends with her because I met her through my other friend, “Bear (18F).” I called Bear to see if she knew what was going on with Abby, and she said she had gotten some similar messages, but an hour before I did. She told me that she had gotten a text a week before that Abby had “let this guy call her his girlfriend.” That’s how her text was phrased. This is a bit weird, because Bear told me Abby had never mentioned this guy before, nor did she tell us his name. (I don’t have any proof that the new boyfriend and the Andrew guy are the same person, but it’s a strange coincidence) That’s when Bear pointed out my name is not associated with my instagram account, meaning that whoever Andrew is deliberately tracked me down. Which I don’t like. Abby is now no longer returning either mine or Bear’s texts, and when I told my roommate about this she said it could be a cry for help. Unfortunately, neither Bear nor I are in the same state as Abby right now, so I’m concerned and not sure what I can do to help. Am I looking to far into things? Or is my friend actually in danger?

TD;LR!: My friend sent me some out of character text messages, and I’m worried that a guy is putting her in danger.

1 comment
  1. Not sure what’s up but contact her family to check on her. It could be nothing but you are not responsible for her let her family handle it

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