I do not know what to do! Been with this girl for 5 months. I love her to death. She is amazing. I just wish she would understand me. My side. I started to drink because I cannot bear this.

I work part time. I asked for leave for Wednesday cause she planned something. I asked a day before. My manager got mad and he was frustrated with me. I wasn’t sure if she would let me have a leave next week Tuesday for my gf’s birthday. So i switched the days so that I’m sure I’ll be able to spend the entire day with her. She got mad at me. She was getting annoyed when I first said I might won’t be able to get a leave on her birthday. So I told my manager to switch my leave to next week Tuesday which is her birthday. She got mad at me. She said I do not know to take decisions. I jump around and make decisions just like that. This isn’t just one situation. There were other situations were the exact same happened. But I told her sorry. I apologised to her so many times. Its been 5 days and she won’t talk to me like how she used to before this incident began.

I do not know how to make her fine and back to normal. I’m so attached to her. Whenever she gets gloomy or upset it affects me a lot. I cry more than I ever do. I do not know what to do.

  1. I’d love to comment but this makes no sense to me. Are you drinking while Redditing?

  2. She sounds demanding and unreasonable at the same time.

    Does she put this much effort into your birthday?

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