For the ladies that have kids or want to have kids, What will/is gonna be the rule for your kids?

  1. My parents especially my dad didn’t trust other parents so they didn’t like me having sleepovers at other peoples houses

  2. I found out at 18 to was because my dad was in prison for cp and a pedo. I wish I’d been told sooner

  3. My parents didn’t trust other parents, but also knew that sleepovers could go awry and would’ve preferred to have me under their roof.

  4. I wasn’t allowed to because my mom saw what happened to her childhood friend, her friends brother had his friend over for a sleepover, and when her brother fell asleep, he went and forced himself on her. The guy was previously known to be a good kid, and someone who would never do something like that. So my mom was worried for my safety, from my friend’s brothers, or male family members or friends who might be there. With my future children, I would do the same, unless in a specific situation, I was assured somehow that it was completely safe.

  5. I was allowed but if I have kids, I don’t know if I would. Especially not with young kids. But I’m conflicted on it to be totally honest because sleepovers were one of the best parts of my childhood. All my best friend memories are from sleepovers. But I’ve heard so many horror stories from others that it makes me nervous.

  6. Cause they watched the news and read the paper saw the articles about the kids who get molested at sleepovers and by people they know and should have been able to trust. Like relatives, friends parents/older siblings. We never slept over anyones houses and never had babysitters.

    And i plan on having the same rules if i have kids

  7. My mom didn’t trust men because she was sexually assaulted multiple times. Every once in a while she’d retell us the stories of when she was assaulted so we knew never to ask to sleepover anyone’s house, not even our family’s houses.

    I have a daughter now. I think I’ll have the same rule of no sleepovers, but friends/cousins are allowed to stay at our place if they want to and their parents allow it.

  8. Honestly my mom is a neat freak and she did not want other people messing up her home. Lol also I wasn’t allowed to sleep over by friends. Just family. Cause safety

  9. For my Spanish speakers, “por qué uno nunca sabe.” Translates to “because no one ever knows.” Basically because there’s males in the home and my parents didn’t want me to get sexually assaulted. I was allowed at my cousins homes though.

  10. Sleepovers were usually fine when I was a kid as long as it wasn’t on a school night and all the parents gave their permission, logistics were worked out, etc.

    However, I’ve gone in and out of the closet as bisexual to my mom specifically because she told me I would have to cancel a sleepover with my best friend at the time if I were bi. I wasn’t even attracted to this friend, but I was 12-13 and I really wanted to have a sleepover so I just lied and said I must have been confused when I came out to her.

  11. my dad banned me from them for a while cuz he said he didn’t want me to get in another fight with a kid at one in the morning. but it didn’t last too long because i ignored it, he was mad.

  12. Because they were religious nut jobs so not allowed to be with the damned.
    Yes allowed sleepovers there good for a child’s social development bare minimum. It’s also good for bonding. You notice the kids that don’t have sleepovers are the anxious, stressed, emotionally immature, helicopter parent ones.

  13. They always said that it was too short of notice or that they didn’t want to drive. I spent the night at a lot of friends houses but they were never allowed at mine. If I have kids I’d love to let them have sleepovers! I think it’s so important to show your kids that you also care about the people they care about.

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