I (18F) recently went on holiday with my partner (19M) for a couple of days. I had a lot of fun on the trip, but a couple times I randomly felt numb and bored. I don’t know why. It happened when we were just chilling on the beach and in the sea, which used to be my favourite activity growing up. I randomly felt sad while with him, because it didn’t feel the same as it did when I was with my family.

I will never be able to experience the family holidays again. I was so carefree and happy back then, absolutely nothing bothered me and I always enjoyed being on holiday. My parents got divorced, my grandad died and I no longer speak to my brother. I felt sad that it wasn’t as fun with my partner as it was when I was younger. I preferred it with more people, with my family or with friends. I prefer spending time with him when other people are around.

I have more “fun” with friends and family, i definitely get more excited to see them and laugh a lot more. With my partner, I feel more relaxed and safe. I also laugh with him about random things but I never feel a “buzz” when I’m with him and I sometimes get bored when spending time with him. Things I used to love no longer interest me. It made me sad to realise that I’d never feel the same about life again and I wouldn’t experience those past memories again.

Is this a problem in my relationship?

Tldr; went on holiday with my partner and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I used to, I have more fun in groups or with friends and it hurt to be reminded that I’d never experience a fun family holiday again.

1 comment
  1. People sometimes expect their partner to be everything, amazing lover, best friend, like family, strong but also emotional, entertaining, knowing when to give one space..

    I’m going to the extreme here but I guess you see the point. You’re holding you’re bf to the standard of some of the nicest family vacations, which I imagine are quite a while back. We generally tend to paint the past rosier and maybe after x vacations things aren’t as new and exiting anymore than 5 or 10 years ago.

    It seems like you became more chilled and maybe need some new activities to spark your interest but worrying about an otherwise great time with your bf because some things seem like more fun x years back with your family seems like you’re overthinking things.

    Maybe find new joint activities together to try out.

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