So my girlfriend was away for a while we are both 18 and we study together and do a lot of things together.
When she was back from a one week trip i was very horny so did she and we had sex, not once or twice but 4 times and at the time she loved it but, now she is mad because it hurted her, i love her and i dont know what to do, please help me i cant see her sad at all she is one of the most valuable things i have.
I was thinking of buying her a gift but im scared that she may think im paying her for sex.

Edit : thanks guys she is sleeping im gonna cook her some food and make her happy again lol

Edit 2: I took her out for dinner and gave her a great time.

  1. Why it hurted her? Talk with her, dont her buy gifts i u dont exactly know why she is mad/hurt.

  2. So she’s in physical pain but has only told you this after the fact? Not to sound like a dick but that’s kinda her own fault tbh as if she was uncomfortable or in pain during sex she should have told you to stop or slow down rather than just push through and then mention it after the fact.

    You can’t really do much at this point other than just try help her get better through getting her painkillers or something like that

  3. Just to be sure I get this correctly: She didn’t say anything while it happened and was into it, but now afterwards, she is blaming you, because you should have magically known and take care?

    Honestly, that doesnt make any sense.

    If she said “Stop!” or at least “Be careful” then I do understand her, but if not, then you are not to blame here.

    I know and can confirm, that sometimes you are just really into something and enjoy it and only notice anfterwards that it hurts. But that is not the ault of your partner at all

  4. You’re both grossly overreacting. You two had a lot of pent up sexual energy and ended up having sex 4 times in one day. Not surprising that your GF might be feeling really sore afterwards; however, it seems like you both wanted to have it that many times so it’s just a situation where you tried to catch up from lost time and you overdid it.

    She never overindulged with eating sweets because she wanted that sugary taste so bad only to later have a stomach ache? That’s what happened to you two except with sex. It’s NOT a big deal unless the sex wasn’t consensual.

  5. Don’t buy her a gift. Better talk to her. You’re both young so establish communication as a ground rule.

  6. Are you sure she was into it? Is it possible that you assumed she wanted to have sex 4 times and she is now upset because you didn’t actually ask and she felt pressured into it?

    Sometimes it’s hard to speak up, when a partner is already acting without asking.

  7. You both sound far to immature to be having sex IMPO. That’s normal, if you have sex a lot as a woman with no lube or recovery period it gets sore. Same as if someone rubbed the same spot of any part of your body over and over and over again, it gets sore. She should have told you during the sex if she knew, but maybe she didn’t know until later, I’ve bleed from sex before but felt no soreness until afterward. Communicate and buy some lube.

  8. No need to take all the blame. You’re both still learning your bodies and this is a lesson for both of you.

  9. So you were super horny, had a heap of sex and now she’s irritated (as in: physically/down there, not emotionally).

    That’s OK. Just remember that for next time – let it heal, and you may want to consider more lube next time you’re going to have sex multiple times.

  10. You seem like a sweet kid but you’re both overreacting. She knows you can’t stand to see her sad so maybe she’s just attention seeking. Yall are weird. But cute.

  11. draw her a warm bath with a little baking soda sprinkled in (an OBGYN once recommended to me for PH balance, works wonders) cuddle her and prepare a comfy night in. sex can be super emotional, neither of you are over reacting, emotions during/after/around sex is normal. be kind to yourselves and each other you got this.

  12. Make sure to use lube and just give her kitty a little break 🥰
    Also, do cute acts such as helping her clean/cook/ buy her chocolate/ etc just for her to be reminded that she’s loved and appreciated

  13. As a female i learned it’s taking a toll if you overdo it with sex after a drought… it’s a bit sore afterwards but will go away for sure. I never notice it while having sex (hormones and stuff) and it never stopped me at all. It’s just how it is. So no wonder she feels this way now but being mad at you? I don’t think anybody’s at fault here, if everything was consensual and she did not tell you to stop while doing it. Sounds a bit immature tbh… now you both have learned something I guess

  14. So u didn’t get her a gift cuz then u would be pay for sex but u cooked her a meal to pay her for the sex seems fair lol. It’s a give n take nothing is free in this world.

  15. You’re both awash with a lot of hormones right now and that is going to make everything seem more dramatic than it is. But it’s also possible that you did hurt her without realising or more than you realised. That’s not your fault but right now your priority isn’t to litigate how this happened but to make it better. That means being very attentive to what she needs, which might be space or might be affection – you need to take your cues from her and provide it.

    Also the gift/food shit is cute as anything, but play it by ear. Listening and being attentive is the best gift.

  16. Unless you made her have sex 4 times in a day idk why she’s sad and making you feel bad. It’s normal to be sore after having a lot/rough sex but it’s not normal to make you feel guilty about it? Just give her cuddles and maybe have a talk about what she wants in the bedroom, ask her if it’s something she doesn’t want to do again or if you shouldn’t be as rough.

  17. Just indulge her and lavish her with love and attention. Cook meals, buy flowers, offer backrubs. The important thing is to let her know you’re just doing this because you love her don’t expect anything in return. She’s just a little stiff and sore and needs a little rest.

  18. Yeah just chill out both of you. me and my ex girlfriend had sex 9 times in a day once and all that happened was we abstained for a few days. But having sex a lot in a day will cause pain for both parties tbh

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