I’ve been sleeping with my co worker who’s a little older than me for the past 3 months. 2 years ago he told me he loved me while super drunk when I was in a relationship (nothing happened and we barely talked at work as we work in different departments). We started sleeping together 2 weeks after me and my ex split (I mentally left the relationship long before the split and he was nasty) and he’s helped me with a place to stay when my ex and I were still living together. He normally calls me in the middle of the night most weekends and I then spend the entire next day at his and we just cuddle, watch movies and bang. He buys and/or cooks me food when I’m over and I’ve done the same when he’s been at mine. A couple weeks ago I had a concert and he paid for my Uber there and then picked me up and dropped me home afterwards. I then went over a couple days later as it was his birthday and he was super drunk and he told me he told all his mates I was his misses and showed them photos of me and then apologised and said he should’ve asked me first but hasn’t said anything since. Initially, when we first started sleeping together I said I wanted something no strings attached but I’ve now got mad feelings for him due to how nice he is to me and I feel so safe with him so I’m not sure if he feels the same but I feel like he does based off everything that’s been happening the past couple months lol and I want an outside opinion.

Sorry if this is all over the place, I’m still at work so this is a quick post.

  1. if he said he loved you before having hooked up WHILST he was already in a relationship, it shows his feelings for you aren’t just physical love. he clearly cares about you. no harm in asking for clarification

  2. Him telling you he loves you while drunk doesn’t mean much. People say things they don’t mean all the time when they’re drunk.

    His other actions indicate that he is very interested in you.

    Just have a conversation with him about how you both feel and where you see the relationship going. For clarification purposes

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