I’m ready to move out of a council property and bought my own home, had a visit from a council representative today about termination of my tenancy.. the person seemed to be overly snotty about things about almost everything and has made me feel threatened about costs about moving home… there is too much to list but here’s some more context: ‘apparently’ I have to cut my grass (the grass is literally about 15-20mm in length) and has always been maintained for over 5 years. My neighbours garden who is also council is quite literally like a jungle and has been growing over my fence

EDIT: a few typos and bad wording

  1. You can refuse to do it and they can charge you, you can refuse to pay and then you will have your day in court.

  2. You can get a free arbitration service to solve rental disputes, be sure to have proof over anything you plan to dispute, or be ready to pay what they ask.

  3. Cutting the grass doesn’t seem a biggie, so if that’s the worst you’ve got then it seems a easy move.

  4. If they were genuinely rude or aggressive then it’s worth complaining, you may be savin a sweet little old lady from the same treatment going forwards.


    It is pretty reasonable for them to get the property back in a livable state – I know very often that they aren’t, but that shouldn’t be a reflection on you. What needs doing aside from the grass?

  5. Did you pay a deposit to live there? In my experience most council properties do not require a deposit and there is no expectation that you leave the property in a good state.

    So if you didn’t pay a deposit there should be no expectations on you to cut the grass, for example, or in fact do anything except move out and hand back the keys.

  6. Thank you for your comment and input and I do appetite your input because all this is new to me: I was also questioned deeply about the wooden decking in the rear garden (not bad condition but clearly not pristine) the decking has been there since prior to me moving in.. the bathroom is ceramic tiled from floor to ceiling and the the person got on the phone to for around 30 minutes to asked if the property was like this prior to me moving in.. don’t get me wrong for a council property all the tile work wasn’t perfect but was up to a decent standard for living

  7. It’s grass. Did you cut it? Yeah, it grew back and?
    Nah give them the keys and wave goodbye. If windows smashed or doors off hinges etc then maybe a problem but as long as its secure when you leave…..nah done.

  8. Sounds like the housing officer was a dick. We had one come round and try that shit when we complained about damp, had the nerve to comment on the fact we had bespoke blinds!

    Tbh hes probably jealous. Jealous you had a council house, then jealous you are organised enough to move out and into your own place.

    They won’t do sod all about the state of the property, bar possibly billing you for rubbish. As others have said, if there is no inventory or audit before moving in, how can they know what works were yours or there prior to you moving in?

    As for the grass length. Hahaah.

    The council will just be glad they have the property back.

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