Just genuinely curious.

In my past hookup’s, I noticed they would kiss me on my forehead during and/or after sex. It was never more than just casual/fuck buddies, neither of us got attached.

My recent hookup, I’ve known since we were young and we’ve messed around in the past. We messed around recently and he kissed my forehead during and after sex.

It’s totally different when it’s a couple and they’re in a relationship.

I figured it’s like a way of saying “the sex is good, you’re good, and I really appreciate this/enjoy this.”

Edit: obviously not ALL men do this. So why do men that do this, do it?

  1. It’s supposed to be appreciative, like when you kiss your mom or grandma on the forehead after making food for the family gathering. Basically “thanks and I love you” without saying it

  2. Usual is just e kiss gesture but not sexual, bc on the forehead

    Jus means that he likes her and wants to shoe it in a non sexual way…

  3. Personally i find kisses in forehead and cheek pretty sweet, so with a one night stand/a girl i don’t know well can be a way to communicate “I’m not using you, i respect you” while with my girlfriend are obviously just a “i love you”

  4. When I kiss someone on their forehead, it specifically means “I care about you.” It’s not about whether I liked the sex or not. If I want to express that I enjoyed the sex, I say “I really enjoyed having sex with you.”

  5. I think I do this just out of habit.. I mean.. only person I have sex with is my wife.. so I am doing it because I love her for sure.. but in the past I have done it with ONS’s and it didn’t really mean anything.. it was just something you do in the heat of the moment.

  6. Huh usually I’m the one doing that to him after lol. Although I’m a bit of a dommy mommy.

  7. When mind and body becomes one, we all tend to fall in love for a few moments before we get the clarity.

    I have had women tell me the dreaded ‘ love word ‘ during sessions but I know it’s just words.

  8. I only do this when I truly love a woman. I also kiss the back of her neck and back too. It’s saying “I love you” in a non verbal way; but we both know what it means.

  9. I’ve done it in a casual situation. It was more about just enjoying the moment and caring about them as a person and not as only a thing to get off with

  10. Mm if they’re taller than you, enough that it makes a difference lying down, it may be the easiest place to reach? Or they’re winding down from sex but still want to express a little affection, which is perfectly normal even for casual sex, but full on kissing isn’t in the cards at that point

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