Me and my boyf have been on and off for the past 4 years and I love him to death but what the f$?@ am I thinking ?! I just moved to a new state and it’s going on a year in Sept. and he had yet to move with me and he’s still at home w his mother. I got a new government job and texted his mother with the good news and today he texted me and said “my mom and gma said now you’re never gonna come back to (insert hometown here) to be with me..” I’m like wowwww how rude is that?! Like there’s no “WOW good job, girl!” Or “hey son, you really need to clean up your act to be w this girl” they just keep being dependent on each other. He then says I should move to *blank* so we can be together. I say “you, me, and who else” because HELL no I’m not moving w him AND his family. Sure enough he tells me his plan of buying up lots of property and opening up his dream business and having his mother open hers up too… Im just like 🤢 what am I still doing here????

  1. ages?

    looking like the writing’s on the wall — you guys won’t be a couple for a lot longer imo

  2. Yeah that’s not looking great, especially if it’s been going on a long time, maybe a big heart to heart may be required

  3. From the info you provided it doesnt sound like you two are compatible.
    Why should you be the one to move? Why do you have to conform to a life of mediocrity instead of him rising up and doing better in life?
    Take a good hard look at what you want, because to me this doesnt seem worth it.

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