(English is not my first language. Sorry for any grammatical errors)

I (23m) met this woman (21f) the first time at a birthday party of a friend. After that we saw each other a few times when our group of friends did something together. I think we got along pretty well and a friend of mine said that she finds me at least physically attractive.

Last week I had a doctor’s appointment in her hometown. As I was driving home I saw her walking down the street with a friend of hers. She saw me too and we waved at each other.

Later that day I said to myself “Why not ask her out? What’s the worst that could happen?”. So I texted her asking if she would like to do something together sometime.

She said yes und we decided that we would just go out for dinner together. I asked her if she was free next weekend, but she said she is busy that weekend. She asked if I am on working holiday this week (For Context: I am working Monday to Friday and I have a 1 hour drive to her hometown). I said no, but we could do it during the week nonetheless, because I don’t mind the drive.

Now she didn’t reply to that for three days. My question is now: Should I text her again asking when she wants go out for dinner? Or should I just wait for her to respond? And should I just assume she isn’t interested, if she doesn’t respond?

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Hi! Female here, but curious to also hear opinions from guys! I also posted this in another sub…