Tell me how much you love your wife/ girlfriend/ partner

  1. Unconditionally. I couldn’t live without her.

    I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly mean it.

  2. I love my bf too much. Sometimes I wish I don’t because I worry that it’s too much for him. But I love him so much. It’s impossible not to love him .

  3. he passed and i don’t understand how to live without him. i just want him back. it’s been constant crying. i’m a mess. i got in trouble at work because i can’t get my sh*t together. he was my peace. he held me together. he made life worth living. we did everything together. now i’m so depressed.

  4. If my wife was to die today, as soon as our son was on his own, and able to take care of himself, I would die to be with her.

  5. With everything I have and everything I will ever be, these past 8 months have been the most amazing ever and I can’t love her more if I tired.

  6. I thought I knew what love was until I met her. Turns out I’d never been in love before. She taught me that it’s ok to cry, made me feel like I was worth something again. She propped me up and worked with me through a lot of my combat related PTSD, showed me the side of life that isn’t all fucked up. But then she absolutely crushed me, so now I guess I love her more than I should. Turns out I probably should’ve just stayed in my shell.

  7. More today than yesterday, but not as much as I’ll love her tomorrow. Repeat for every day of my life

  8. I love her so much that I still regularly write her poems in Arabic and French to show just how much I love her.

  9. I just wanna be with her all the time. Even spending time apart just sucks. When I’m out I just wanna be home with her

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