Women of Reddit, how many times a week do you wash your hair and how did you get out of the habit of washing it everyday (if you did)?

  1. Twice a week. I’ve thick hair that doesn’t grease quickly. Therefore it was never necessary to wash my hair every day.

  2. Was always 3 + per week. I’ve always had long hair and need to blow wave it. My hair was thinning, so I was advised by hairdresser to wash less often. So now I do twice a week unless really necessary to wash more.

  3. Every 5 days or so…

    I used to wash it ever 1 or 2 days. Then i had surgery and couldn’t take my hair out of a bun and wash it for 2 weeks. It was actually a lot longer and healthier after. So from there on i just washed it every 4 or 5 days.

  4. Every other day so 3 to 4 times a week. My hair gets dry like pine straw if I wash it every single day

  5. Like every four-five days.
    I used to wash it once a week but it’s hot and it gets greasy faster in the summer.

  6. every two to three days – I know it’s to often but my hair get’s greasy and I have to look good for work

  7. Once a week unless I do something that makes me perspire like crazy – and I’ll only wash my scalp then.

  8. I wash it every second day. I got out of the habit because I dyed my hair and I didn’t want to strip the colour out + it was a darker colour so it showed grease less rapidly.

    Now I’m back to my natural colour, and if I don’t wash it every second day, it’s a grease trap. Even on the second day, it’s greasy as hell.

  9. When I was in my 20s I washed it every day. Now every other day or twice a week.

  10. Every two days for me. But if it gets really hot, I have no choice but to wash it if I sweated a lot.

  11. Maybe twice. Sometimes only once a week. My hair looks shit the next day I’ve washed it but I just throw it on a bun and don’t care about it. I’ve just gotten used to my hair immediately looking greasy, so I can’t be bothered to wash it daily since it’ll only be bad for my scalp and hair.

  12. I used to wash every third day and always went through days when my hair would be really itchy and greasy. I watched a video somewhere which said there’s actually absolutely no problem of you wash your hair more often (provided it’s not very dry and you use mild shampoo and on your scalp only, not the tips). Then I started to wash whenever I felt dirty or sweaty and my hair needed a wash. I don’t keep count anymore. I just wash it when I feel like it needs it. My hair is much healthier now.

  13. As a teen I washed my hair daily, but then I learnt that is was actually really bad for my hair type (fine and curly). So I slowly cut it back. First every second day for a couple months then down to twice a week and now down to once a week and my hair has never been better!

    It all depends on how active you are, the climate you live in and your hair type. It did take a couple months for my hair to adjust and start to produce less oils.

  14. I used to wash it every 3 days because my hair doesn’t get greasy that easily. However, since the pandemic I’ve been working from home and ended up washing it once a week because no one sees me anymore in case it gets greasy.

  15. Once a week. When I was a teenager using crappy supermarket shampoo I washed it every second day.

  16. I usually wash it on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday to keep it healthy and not wash too much

  17. I wash it twice a week. It’s tough at first, you’ll have to accept greasy hair. Braiding your hair helps both with preventing greasiness and hiding greasiness.

  18. Several years ago, I had an injury where I was unable to take care of my own hair or even bathe myself without help, and I had already been suffering through really oily hair. A friend of mine who did hair at an exclusive salon (won’t name it) cut my hair short so my caregivers could take care of it easier, and she explained to me that by washing it daily, I wasn’t doing my hair any favors and that it was better to wash it twice a week instead of every day. Nowadays, I wash it twice a week on average, with an occasional third time if I’m going out someplace and I want freshly washed hair.

  19. 2 to 3 days a week. I have bleached hair since I like to tone it silver-white or dye it pastel colours and washing it any more than that dries out my hair. I also avoid using heat on it for this reason and let it air dry.

  20. Once or twice a week. I was never in the habit of washing it daily in the first place. I curl it with an airwrap on wash day and then the rest of the week I use dry shampoo. I bloody love my hair dirty and full of product so when I scrunch my hair, it stays.

  21. Two times a week, volume shampoo is the key. It works like a shield around the roots of the hair, so it doesn’t get greasy fast!
    Also scalp massages during shampooing works to have less grease in your hair

  22. Once every two weeks. I’ve got type 4 hair. My hair doesn’t retain moisture as well as others. It dries out my hair- say if I wash it more than 3 times in 2 weeks.

    However in saying that, if I feel like my hair NEEDS a wash in between then, I will wash it.

  23. Once a week. I have long and very thick hair that takes forever to dry and style. I started spacing it out to every two days, then three and so on until I got comfortable with once a week.

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