EDIT: Thanks everyone for your suggestions! There are a few too many comments for me to reply to individually but I appreciate you guys taking the time to give ideas. Hopefully this could help others in a similar situation this year too! Cheers!

Hi folks! Hope you’re enjoying your warm Friday evening!

So we live in a COLD terraced house. It’s a nightmare drying clothes because were North-facing so unless it’s fairly warm we struggle to get clothes dry outside.

We only have a combi washer-dryer but it doesn’t do the greatest job at drying clothes.

Given the increasing cost of living, we’re going to have no choice but to keep the heating low/off in certain rooms, but this obviously poses the issue of our washing being even more of a pain in the arse to dry.

How do you fry your clothes efficiently?

  1. Get a dehumidifier. It’s cheaper to heat drier air so you can use it for other things than drying clothes, you can also shut it in a small room with your clothes and it’ll dry them without having to heat the whole room.

  2. I have a heated drying rack from Lakeland. It used to be pretty cheap to run. In this economy?

  3. A powered airer is apparently quite a good, efficient way. I plan to get one before winter

  4. Dehumidifier ALL the way. Honestly if you’ve got a whole load/linen etc. It’s quicker than a tumble dryer. A decent one will retail at £150-£200, however we got one of ours on Freecycle and another for about £70 in the black Friday sale.

    That and a decent clothes horse, we have [this](https://amzn.eu/d/acgZ2YH) and it’s fabulous. That and several IKEA Soctopi (I think that’s a colloquialism mind 🙈).

  5. If u grow tomatoes indoors, vent the exhaust from the carbon filter into another tent and hang Ur washing in there.

  6. I’ve always dried my washing indoors on a clothes horse and I have never had any issues.

  7. >How do you fry your clothes efficiently?

    Oh, I can’t say frying clothes has ever come to mind. Does it work well? 😉

  8. Heated clothes horse! Wash clothes, maybe do an extra spin, put on heated clothes horse. They work best with a tent over them – you can buy one with them but a bedsheet works just fine.

  9. Time your washing for the same
    Time as ur heating that’s what I do in the winter ino we have to have it on in the morning so I set the washer before I go bed when I wake up the heating is kicking in and washing is ready to get out the machine

  10. I have a Samsung washer dryer that’s very good but of course expensive to run, my problem is a small flat in central London there is just no space for anything else and putting clothes on radiators is ugly and leads to humidity and mould sadly I figure I just have to pay for it I did think about service washes at the laundrette but its time and convenience, although the smart meter reminds me of the cost daily

  11. When the wash cycle finishes, run the spin cycle again to get out as much of the water as you can. Drape things on an airer (clothes horse). Good luck.

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