Every single day when I go to school, there’s atleast one or two people who try to start a conversation with me since well, it’s the start of the year and people are trying to make new friends I guess. But I don’t know why, but my mind just goes blank whenever someone tries to talk to me.

For example, today in chemistry class, this girl tried to start a conversation with me multiple times, but I didn’t know how to respond. She kept poking fun at the teacher, and at other students (without any malicious intent, of course.), and tried to get me to join in. But all I could do was awkwardly laugh and smile whenever she talked to me. And this has been going on for a while now.. I feel like I’ve gotten over my social anxiety (i don’t feel as nervous to talking to people,, and my palms/back/chest doesn’t sweat anymore, etc.) But like i said, I just don’t know what to say.

I feel bad, because I’m just passing up so many opportunities to be friends with these nice people by being dumb as a fish in conversations, and I’m beginning to think it’s impossible for me to make friends by myself. Help please.

1 comment
  1. Not every single type of interaction is for everyone. E.g. if you’re not the goofy type, it might not come natural to you to react accordingly when someone approaches you in that manner.

    That’s totally ok.

    I would do 2 things:

    – don’t get hung up on the fact that the first interactions did not result in a friendship or acquaintance immediately

    – take the opportunity to approach others in a way that fits your “style”, instead of waiting for others to approach you

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