Entertain Me,

I am a bartender at a high end restaurant. This past Saturday, we had a corporate meeting. They brought down two qualified trainer’s from other locations. One of which was a ridiculously good looking girl that caught my attention. Didn’t think much of it at the time.

On Monday, she came back to help organize the bar which meant working close quarters with me. We introduced ourselves again, had small talks in between her work and mine, and I thought to myself that I’m gonna ask her out at the end of my shift. It’s a typical thing of me to do when I am interested in a girl. But I found it rather odd that she was asking me personal questions like my age, ethnicity, family, and interests. It doesn’t take a genius to see that those questions are coming from some level of interest. After all I didn’t here her ask anyone else these questions. Keep in mind, this was in a matter of a few hours around her.

I noticed she would talk to me as soon as the other trainer (male, not that it matters) would walk away. But when he was around, she wouldn’t look my way. I assume it was her professionalism in play as an employee since she is also under his wing of training.

At some point I notice that she was heavily engaged in a conversation with me about traveling, camping, and outdoorsy things. We shared a few travel stories, and she showed me many pictures of her recent hike to the Narrows in Utah. I told her about my travels, and she had so many questions. I took this opportunity to invite her out for a hike sometime, and told her I’d show her the ropes of hiking and backpacking.

In which she showed full interest in this idea. She caught me off guard by asking for my number! 🤯 So, I complied. She wanted to ensure I got hers by calling me on the spot, and even doubled down by texting me her full name. Needless to say, I was a happy camper as I had not anticipated the events to unfold in this manner.

I even had the opportunity to hang out with her the same night, and she seemed excited. But I unfortunately, had to make a rain check cause I had previous engagements. Here’s the thing. I NEED YOUR ADVICE. I’m interested in this one. On paper, she sounds like someone I can definitely click with. I will see her again tomorrow for her last day in our restaurant and I want to make sure to make a lasting impression in hopes that it will land me another opportunity to hang out with her outside work. I did ask her today when she was free to meet up. But she informed me that would be busy for the next week or two, and didn’t give me an opening for another time. So, I left it at that. I texted her the minute I got off work since I know she’s staying at a hotel near by, and thought maybe we can meet for a drink. But she did not respond to the text. So, here’s a short run down.

A few things that I learned about her. She lives a few cities away at another location (about a 20 minute drive,) she’s also a bartender, a gymnast and loves being outdoors, close to her family, she’s 25 years old (I’m 35,) she wants to travel and explore, and she’s also laid back, intelligent, tall, beautiful, and very reserved from what I can tell. No signs of a boyfriend yet. I sort of asked her out twice today. Once during our shift, and the second time when I got off work. Both to no avail. So, I will see her tomorrow. I’m highly interested in her, so much that I made my first post about it here. I want to get to know her as friends, and hopefully spark some interest in her along the way. How should I approach it?

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