I want to know how I can become successful, rich, and famous like UFC fighter Sean O’Malley and Professional NFL Player Justin Fields. I don’t want their careers and I’m not trying to be like them either. I don’t want to be a UFC fighter or NFL player, but I want to know what they have done in their life to get as successful as they are to use in my own life.

I want to know what are the things they have done to become successful, rich, and famous that I can use in my own life to become that way as well. I want to know what are the things they have done in their life that I can take away and start to use on my own. I want to know everything that they have done to become successful that way I can use that for myself.

  1. They found something they loved and were good at and they put everything into it. Sean O’Malley probably had fighting gloves on before he entered school. Justin Fields was probably never out of arm’s reach of a football.

  2. I’d focus on the football player as my goal, UFC fighters do not get rich. Or from the money they make from fighting at least.

  3. Work with a Peak Performance Life Coach who can help you get areas of life sorted (career, success, health, relationships). An example would be Coach Corey Wayne, who actually has guys like professional NFL players and other high achievers as coaching clients.

    Access his FREE ideas and content such as the many videos here about success:


    Or consider his (expensive) PAID coaching services:


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