What was that moment you said “This is my soulmate”, where you right or wrong?

  1. Save soulmates for fairy tales.

    My SO and I are deeply in love and I hope that continues for many years to come (almost 10 years now). I am not the person I was 10 years ago and nor was she. To expect people to remain static as a soulmate over the years just seems impossible.

    I think the people involved in a soulmate relationship won’t ever know until both are long gone if it was really that way. I expect most other answers you’d get are no, or people though rose tinted glasses.

    Edit: spelling

  2. A “soul mate” essentially means “on the same page.” It’s nothing whimsical or even hard but people refuse to evaluate what actually makes humans compatible. It’s crazy easy: similar socioeconomic backgrounds, similar geopolitical backgrounds, similar modes of communication and communal understanding of non verbal language

  3. My dad always told me that soul mates aren’t likely, but a soul *type* is real. There’s always a certain type of person you just vibe with.

    Took me a few to figure out my soul type but now I’m pretty confident with my feelings about it (and my fiancé).

  4. I met my now ex first time in 2017, and we got together in 2020. I think it was that moment when we first time laught together. After about 1yo of dating i just had this feeling like dam i rly love this women. ALOT. But when i was living in cloudy paradise she cheated on me. So never trusting a women again 100% in my life.

  5. It was the 4th of July.

    On the night of the 3rd of July we met up with some friends and we went to our favorite local dive and we drank and we sang and danced and we laughed. We did that a lot. Morning of the 4th we were aggressively hungover. We did that a lot, too.

    4th of July was one of the big holidays for my family growing up, one of the few times we all got along and had fun. Parents didn’t fight, kids didn’t fight, relatives came over and it felt just entirely RIGHT. Life is full of disappointments I know but the 4th was always something that didn’t let me down.

    So we get up on the 4th, and we swing by Walgreens for pedialyte or Gatorade and more beer for the family party at my sister’s place. And she stops and demands we buy these godawful flag Hawaiian shirts and a pair of novelty cactus cups. We then swing by a Burger King and get hangover food. The whole time she’s just got this look in her eye I can’t describe, but I know it’s positive.

    We spend most of the day in matching kitsch drinking life saving hydration out of these stupid cups commiserrating about how last night was a terrible idea and we wished we were dead while being surrounded by screaming children.

    We light off the big fireworks and head home. My sister had bought these cheap glowstick wristbands and necklaces, and as we’re getting out of the car I ask for hers and I take it and hang it on my rear view. She asks why I did that and I told her because I wanted to remember today.

    We get inside and we get in bed and the sun is still just barely setting casting this beautiful light into the room. She cuddles up next to me and asks me to tell her more stories about when I was a kid since being around my family had brought up some winners. I tell her a few stories and then pretty soon I hear her snoring into my chest.

    I remember thinking then, with the light finally fully dying and her rising and fallin on my chest that I could die happy. There, right there in that moment I convinced myself she was the one, and that if ever there WAS such a thing as soul mates she was it.

    I was less than entirely correct.

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