Hello, im 29 and spent my whole teens/twenties with depressions. Basically all i did was being at home, having no friends and playing video games. 2 years ago my life started to change for the better and i actually enjoy life by now. The only problem: I have no social skills and didn’t experience much in my life by the age of almost 30.

I made a few new contacts in university which I actually really enjoy getting to know better, but the problem is, that whenever we meet up i feel horrible afterwards. We have a lot of fun and i enjoy being with them, but whenever it comes to talking and sharing experience, i feel left out. They often get so involved and excited about talking for example about “traveling” that there is no space for me anymore in the conversation and i end up listening to them and regretting, that they are in their early twenties and have so much more to tell than me.
These things make me so sad that i feel absolutely horrible afterwards, because i feel like im not fitting in. And i get this feeling in almost all group constellations im invited to or organize myself.
I feel like i come across as a super boring person who has nothing to share… I might even feel jealous of the others for having such long talks about their experiences and completly forget about me sitting on the table too.

Does any of you also had this and know how to deal with it?

1 comment
  1. It’s hard when this happens. I basically spent my teen years stuck at home playing video games, no socialising, no friends, barely any experiences due to poverty.

    I decided to make my own experience s. For example i attended my local comic con.They might not be as ‘cool’ as travelling but still as fun. Its still the same emotions at the end of the day and new experiences.

    Maybe that’s something you can try?

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