How do you avoid the parenting mistakes your parents made toward you? These lines are so blurred.

  1. Listen to your children and don’t disregard their opinions. Listening in every way helps you not to make mistakes.

  2. I think before i react. I think, after i reacted. I speak with my child/ren. I hear what they have to say.

    During kindergarden-age, i started to knock on the childs room, asked to come in, waited for a positive answer, before i entered. I did not want to do the same “barging in”-nonsense like my parents during my youth. Positive effect: my child/ren do the same at my private room.


    I started with the whole process of “wanting to avoid the mistakes my parents made towards me/ the partner” when i was around 20 years old. At that time i realized, after a silly argument with my then partner, that something was wrong.

    I think, this is a lifelong journey, steady work to prevent me of falling back in the same behavior pattern my parents presented me during my childhood and teenageryears.

  3. Actually listening to my kids and letting them assert their opinion. Acknowledging their feelings as valid. Not making them feel bad because they had a bad day. Saying “I’m sorry” when I’m wrong or made a mistake. Seeing them as actual kids and letting them act as such, and not mini adults. Being excited and enthusiastic about stuff they’re excited and enthusiastic about. Letting them know that their dad and I will be there for them no matter what.

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