Edit: I want to thank all of you for reaching out and offering support and information on PM’s.
Today we got to have a conversation (in a situation where our communication and seeing each other is limited) and he gas lit me and talked to me awfully and kept insisting I gave it to him.

Then, he said that I lied about getting my throat swabbed. I showed him my results with the proof showing I did a urine and pharynx swab.

Then he tried to say they did the swab wrong.

Then he said it was from my lactation (I am early pregnant: having an abortion tomorrow) but gonorrhea is not spread through breastmilk or anything like that.

Then finally he said ‘it must have been dormant in my system for 3 years’ (we separated and then have been living together for three years). He got really sick on Tuesday so it lines up perfectly with the timeline of symptoms showing up and contraction and with gonorrhea I don’t know if it’s possible to have dormant or latent gonorrhea for that long without serious effects such as infertility and bodily damage? (Definitely not infertile we have a 1 yr old and I’m currently pregnant by him and terminating)

I am devastated guys.

He tried to insist on having sex and oral sex (him being the receiving partner) before I checked into the urgent care adult clinic for my test and swab. This would be the first time he had seen me in a week.

He found out yesterday he was positive (at least that was what was told to me by him) after feeling sick and going into see a doctor, and being tested and swabbed for Covid and strep.

This morning he called me screaming saying I had given him gonorrhea from ‘kissing him after sucking and swallowing someone else’s dick’. He told me the hospital and doctors said that it was absolutely likely and almost certain I gave it to from my own throat by kissing him.

We have unprotected vaginal sex, and unprotected oral sex with me being the person that goes down on him, he never goes down on me, both about once a week.

We are monogamous or that is the expectation I follow.

I received my test results from my throat swab and also the urine test I asked for, and everything came back completely negative.

What could be going on here? There has been suspicions about him possibly being bisexual. So he had oral gonorrhea, I was std free.

What could have happened here? I don’t want to jump to conclusions….my sexual health is very important to me and I feel there is some dishonesty going on.

  1. Gonorrhea is spread through contact with the gentials so yes most likely, but you already knew that.

  2. You don’t see him for a week he comes back with gonorrhea and you’re negative.

    I believe in giving benefit of the doubt but I don’t know that there is any leeway. I’m sorry.

  3. Sounds like typical projection, blame the other party for cheating when they’re the ones cheating 😂

    The insistence on sex before you got tested seems to me he knew he was infected and wanted to pass it to you so he could claim he got it from you.

  4. Good riddance to him. Sometimes, at least in retrospect, it’s good to get the slap in the face that gives you the clarity to know what to do.

  5. Have him get retested if he can, false positives are possible and if you’re negative then it seems even more possible

  6. I mean the science doesn’t lie here. He cheated. The proof is right there and there is only one answer.

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