I’ve been on Reddit for three hours now and maybe sent two emails, used the bathroom a couple of times and made two cups of coffee. I’ll probably put in 2 hours or so this afternoon but that’s about it.

How about you guys?

  1. “Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door – that way Lumbergh can’t see me, – after that I sorta space out for an hour. …….Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.” – – – Peter Gibbons

  2. In my standard day (9 hrs) on average I work like 2 hours.

    I’m so god damn bored. I’ve been trying to use the extra time lately to work on myself.

  3. I would say about 5 hours of work out of my usual 8. The rest I spend sitting on my phone/reading/whatever really as long as its not work

  4. Ugh… I oscillate. When I get assigned something I’ll work a solid 5-6 hours per 8 hours workday.

    But this week I’m just not able to proceed without others doing certain things so it’s like 1-2 hours and I’m so fucking bored. I’m studying for a cert though.

  5. I wait tables, so usually, actually a decent bit.

    But that’s the thing I actually like about being a server. My money is directly tied to how busy I am. Office jobs I’ve had busy just equals frustrating cause pay is the same regardless.

  6. 2-3 hours of semi manual labor. Rarely more, except when all goes to shit, then I’m there until I fix shit or second shift comes. My record is 13 hours.

  7. Retail here

    Of my 8 hours, 3 is actual work, 5 is having the same robotic conversation serving due to the single operator rules we have

  8. I’m a Nurse so usually I’ll be lucky to take my break or not have to stay after my shift to finish my charting. I’m good and fucking exhausted when I get home.

  9. Fuck all.

    But I achieve more in 30 mins a day than absolutely every other member of staff in our company….

    Go figure

    I hate feeling lazy but I can’t help it. This post has perked me up actually because I’ve realised I’m not the only one.

  10. About 5 out of my ten hours,

    Benefits of being efficient and the store being open for 2 hours longer than is really needed.

  11. I average 9 hours a day, and I’m probably doing work for a solid 7 hours of them at the bare minimum.

  12. So, a lot of my work is just monitoring stuff. Tonight, for instance, all of my jobs are set up so all I’m doing is monitoring their progress (and posting on Reddit). Earlier today, I had to take a few calls, but there was nothing really dramatic or involved so I would hardly call it work.

    With that said, Friday and Saturday were murder. Lots of broken stuff, very little of it my own. Still, I had to be there while the other teams were fixing their broken stuff “just in case”.

  13. I work nonstop from the moment i get to work, till i go home. Im a correctional officer and am on my feet for basically 13 hours straight, 4 days a week. Dont even get a single break.

  14. Not a lot, which is a good thing. I work security at a hospital. If I’m having fun, nobody else is. So I try not to have fun.

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