What makes you believe the world is over populated?

  1. Scarcity of non renewable resources, rising poverty rate, number of people living in a city per km², the amount of waste that is being produced.

  2. I don’t believe it is. We have the resources to provide for everyone, they’re just being hoarded by a small number of very wealthy people and corporations.

  3. Statistics

    But the population is too high for what economies can handle. If everything was just controlled better and made more sustainable, then overpopulation wouldn’t be a thing because then it’ll be accommodated for

  4. Yes, even if the resources arent hoarded by the privelege few, the amount people needed to be provided for is too much for our environment. If we eradicate world hunger and give all homes and running potable water, with the current population now, we’d lose whatever is left of nature to sustain ecological balance. Cities to build over forests, dams to control rivers, monoculture and animals just to feed billions three times a day and the land space and resources to sustain these food sources, etc.

    And human waste! Imagine an earth that is full of concrete and dry land, dense tall apartments spread across block and blocks of city planning, our soil and water handling all those human waste. Material waste. Plastic waste. Electronic waste. Carbon waste. For each and every billionth person to be well-provided for.

    “Oh but there’s still undeveloped lands to expand civilisation, like Canada and Brasil. Just deforest them and we’ll have more for humans.” No.

    Its not about humans being provided for thats the problem with overpopulation, its about too many humans taking way too much from earth beyond recuperation. The arguement for overpopulation is too human-centric, we forget we’re the ones dependent on earth. Yes, wealth hoarding is still a problem. But we cant feed 5 billion people and more coming without destroying the planet.

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