Just moved into a new neighborhood – what’s a good gift for my new next door neighbor? I just want to introduce myself and get started on a good foot.

  1. I’ve moved a lot, I’ve never had a neighbor bring a gift. My advice is to not bring a gift. Don’t go knock on the door either, many people would feel invaded by this.

    Just spend time outside and engage when you see them outdoors as well. “Hi, I’m the new guy, my name is IOnlyCame ToArgue.” You’ll know from their reaction how much farther the conversation is going.

  2. A nice plant. I wouldn’t go food or drink as they may have food restrictions or don’t drink

  3. Just make it a point to say hi if you see them, introduce yourself, and generally demonstrate that you’re going to be a good neighbor. Let them know they can contact you if they have any concerns or issues with you/your property etc.

  4. We are missing context here, like where, and how well off this is neighborhood. Is this a gated community or a trailer park? In all cases I would avoid interacting with you neighbors unless they initiate, unless you want the cops called on.

  5. One set of neighbors brought me cookies when I moved into the neighborhood, but most of my interactions with the neighbors happen organically by talking to them when they are out in their yards or walking their dogs.

    Generally, I think the idea is for them to welcome you to the neighborhood, not the other way around, but everyone likes cookies or sweets if you’re the sort of outgoing person that feels the need to introduce yourself to people.

  6. I think your location in the US plays a role here. I live in NY and I would consider it extremely weird if a new neighbor brought over a gift.

  7. When my wife and I moved in, she made banana bread. It got us a standing invite to our neighbor’s pool.

  8. Baked goods. My partner and I had some new neighbors move in and, after making rounds to make sure no one had any specific allergies (nuts, etc), they brought over a plate of cookies. It’s hardly common, but it was an incredibly sweet (no pun intended) gesture!

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