I don’t have a lot of friends and Iive under a rock since I have no motivate or interest in a lot of popular subcultures like k-pop, anime, competitive gaming, trendy fashion, etc. but I can not find new groups of people that I can fit with and I have more online friends than real life ones because I moved to another country. I attempted to become friends with new people but I don’t to hang out with them anymore because of my cousin making fun of my grandma and I don’t trust her side of the family. So, should I be myself or put on another social alter ego mask for the conformation and society?

1 comment
  1. Dont be yourself, you sound like a person who’d get picked on by his cousin. Be better, you should be the one who makes fun of your cousin. If your not happy at your current situation, put an effort to change yourself. As for putting on a facade when socializing, its fine as long as it hurts no one

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