During an all nighter me and this guy traded v cards but neither of us came? We had sex around 6am and we were awake nearly 20ish hours at that point was sleep deprivation and tiredness why we couldn’t cum or were we really that bad and giving head and handjobs???

  1. Have you talked about it together? Was he bad? It could just be nerves or an unusual situation. Or some substances.

  2. It’s normal to struggle to have good sex when you’re sleep-deprived, and it’s also normal for first times to be less than amazing. Sex improves with communication, practice, and self-awareness.

  3. I’m going to place my bet on a combination of sleep deprivation and nerves. It’s actually very normal for men to fail to finish the first time they have sex. You should try again when you’re not sleep deprived. If you are sleep deprives, you should catch up on your sleep, then you can make good use of your morning wood when you wake up.

    The FAQ has a section about [orgasm troubles](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/wiki/index/#wiki_orgasm_troubles) that you should read.

  4. I struggle with any sexual stuff when I’m tired or/and sleep deprived. Completely normal.

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