For those who enjoy staying at home(or don’t have a big social life) what you normally do on weekends?

  1. I go out to lunch with one of my kids one-on-one. I sometimes work overtime. I get high. I do yard work. I play video games.

  2. Gym, video games, pursue other interests like art or music, and I like to set up low effort social events like getting lunch with a good friend or lately I’ve been having game nights with two of my close friends

  3. Read, nap, play my instrument, meditate, listen to music, clean my house, masturbate

  4. Catch up on shows, watch a lot of podcasts on YouTube, run errands, clean, go to the gym when I’m up for it, and ignore my messages 😅

  5. Sleep in, catch up on my shows, read, putter around doing little creative projects, make new playlists for my commute, make dinners that are a little fancier and more involved than I have time for on weekdays….really just generally trying to rest and relax.

  6. Sleep, cook, watch YouTube or Netflix, go for walks, clean my house, drink wine. Just generally relax. Whatever I want basically!

  7. Watch shows, run an errand or two, straighten up my house, do laundry, sleep in, maybe get together with my mom or family once a month. My favorite thing to do is make a meal that might take a little longer to cook so I am not in the mood to do it during the week but have the time & energy to do on the weekend.

  8. I live very close to native bushland, and spend a good amount of time bushwalking (hiking), which I always prefer to do solo. Also art and reading.

  9. Gym, read, garden, lizarding, hang out with my pets, have an existential crisis, maybe do dog walking if I get booked, contemplate getting bangs, video games, YouTube, bake, cry because I got bangs.

  10. Sleep in, play video games, tidy up, read, have a bath, watch films, exercise/go for a walk, just chilllll out! I love my social life, I just don’t need or want it all the time

  11. Read, watch something, catch up on chores (declutter/laundry/meal plan/garden), knit, hang out with the family, go for a walk, play games

  12. Video games, catch up on whatever TV series my boyfriend and I are currently watching, run errands, and we usually go out to dinner on Fridays.

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