We broke up exactly 2 weeks ago. Everything was going fine until someday she said “I think we should broke up” I wasn’t prepared for this so I simply asked “Why?” she said “We are not a good fit” I get confused because we do fit and everyone thinks that is the case so I said “What makes you think that?” She told me that she can’t say what is it and left. I was heart broken I wander couple of days trying to figure out why. She called me and said “You should get your stuff” I said “I would but we should talk” she said “I don’t think we have anything to talk about” but there is she thought that we do not have anything to talk about because she made her desicion I told her “You didn’t even told me the reason yet!” she said “That’s my desicion not to tell you and you should respect that” and we had she hang up the phone saying “I am never gonna call you again for anything ever again and you should do whatever to my stuff I don’t care”

I thought that was it until I found out why she just cut me out of her life from a friend. Because I made a silly joke about her dad I never thought the reason was this because I made similar jokes on past and asked her “does this jokes make you uncomfartable” she said sincerely “No I like your jokes” I always knew how important her dad for her but her dad is an absloute bigot like I mean really, she said her dad would kill me if he would found out about me no joke.

I never thought the problem was me I don’t think I can fix my relationship anymore its permanantly over but I just want to apoligize to her because I made someone that I love sad and she didn’t even told me. I think she is a great friend and a human being but not a great girlfirend (You might say that it was my fault but thats not the entire story) I want to be able to talk to her again but I don’t know how.

  1. Joking about a girlfriend or boyfriend’s family member is never a good idea. Consider it a lesson learned.

  2. The joke you made about her bigoted father probably hit her a bit too close to home as there is a very good chance that she also holds the same opinions. You were dating a bigots daughter after all.

    It sounds like it’s as simple as that.

  3. If her dad really is a bigot and your joke referenced that not only should you not apologize but you should be glad she is gone. Supporting bigotry is wrong period. Don’t get dragged down into that bullshit.

  4. I was starting to forget her and her behaviour because all of my friends told me that It was a good thing you guys broke up. But I just want to make things better between us even tho we don’t get back together. She is a very good human being and It makes me sick that I made her feel bad.

  5. Let it go and move on. She may not really have a reason, if it was because of a joke, she could have said it.

    If she wants daddy’s approval, sounds like you won’t get it.

  6. She doesn’t owe you an explanation. She is right about that. She decided it’s over for her and you have to respect that.

    > I want to be able to talk to her again but I don’t know how.

    She said she doesn’t want to talk. You are dense! She said no. Accept that.

  7. Broke up with you over a joke and didn’t communicate any issues to you at all? She sounds exhausting and incredibly immature. Sorry for the heartbreak, but you’re probably better off.

  8. Well she obviously didn’t care about the relationship enough if she moved on without the decency of an explanation. Either that or she is a terrible communicator. Either way, you dodged a bullet.
    Now make sure you don’t beg , apologise, plead and do all the pathetic things guys do in these situations. Move on and never contact her again unless she does with the intention of rekindling. Plenty of fish in the sea.

  9. Hun. A lesson to be learned here that has nothing to do with her or your relationship.

    It’s that you can’t fix everything. You can’t have everyone like you. Nothing can be undone or unsaid and you have to live with the outcome.

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