Any advice is invited but mostly this is going to be a rant. So I matched with a guy. Great guy showing just enough interest in me. We set a date and its amazing. We did hookup. He forgot an expensive watch at my place (This detail is going to be important later). We set another date (by his initiation) again thats amazing. This time I remind him to not forget anything behind but in a sweet inside joke manner he leaves it behind so it could be an excuse to meet up again. He is communicative and expressive. So everything is going great. He has to leave town for work. His last text read something like ‘I’ll send you beautiful pictures from there’. Then radio silence. I checked obituaries! But anyway no big deal I move on. Then he texts me with quite believable reason for his radio silence. I am still a little pissed but he is apologetic and insists on meeting me face to face once he is back. Well he never texts back. So after the date when he was due to be back passes. I text him if he is back and also offer to just get his stuff delivered by a 3rd party app if he has decided not to see me again. But he tells me because his grandmother who he is close to had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. He had to leave the town again. After a fortnight I text him to just ask about his grandmother’s health and how he is doing in general. Its a formal exchange but polite. I ask him if we could catch up over a call sometime and he offers to call me the next day. That was a week ago. I think I have been ghosted but I don’t know this is the weirdest way I have ever been ghosted. It stings.

  1. I meant I wish we were hooking up. But this situation of no communication has been going on for 2 months now.

  2. Why can’t people just be open an honest and say “hey I think you’re great, but I don’t feel a connection and don’t want to date anymore”

    Is it really that hard to say?

    OP I’m sorry that this happened to you.

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